PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter Unboxing (video)

I know we are more then a little late but it took me over two months to get my order fulfilled by Amazon, seeing how as they were sold out in every retail store that I visited. After that, even thought our video unboxing was filmed, it’s been sitting in my editing cue for the past month but alas, I’ve finished. Bellow is a video unboxing of the PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter. Besides seeing what’s inside the box, I go over some tips on how to properly place your Move controllers inside and a list of games that are compatible. Those looking to purchase one will note that you can place an order on Amazon who has them in stock with no sales tax!

Sony and PlayStation Coachella 2011 Wrap Up (Videos and Pictures)

During Coachella 2011, attendees were treated to two different presences from Sony, one of which was a PlayStation Loft which housed the brand new Mortal Kombat, SOCOM 4 and Motorstorm Apocalypse, all in 3D. If that wasn’t your thing, you could also play Sport Champions, Killzone 3 and MLB: The Show 2011 with the PlayStation Move. And if that wasn’t enough (surely you are just being picky now), you could listen to  music via Qriocity, stream movies from Netflix and chill with some adorable Sackboys and Sackgirls by playing LittleBigPlanet 2.

Now lets say PlayStation just isn’t your thing, but new technology is. That’s where the Sony Loft comes into play. Smaller than the PlayStation destination, the Sony Loft housed Bravia televisions with Sony’s 3D Handycams, VAIO laptops and touchscreen desktops. But free WiFi and 3D wasn’t the only thing Sony had to offer. Coachella attendees could borrow a Sony Bloggie Touch for the day and return to the loft to upload their videos and pictures to Facebook and other social networking sites.

So why was Sony here with some of the latest technologies? It wasn’t to simply offer the only two air conditioned tents, though that didn’t hurt one bit. The crowd who attends Coachella is the demograph that Sony seeks.  They’re young, hip, iPhone-equipped and social networking aware. For the generation who attended, technology is not just a tool but a way of life that is interwoven into their everyday routine. But they don’t simply equal another sold product. Instead, when we use our products, we are proud of them and show them to others when we attend a party, head to Disneyland or are simply asked what we took our pictures on. We are an advertising machine and will be loyal to a brand. So when we use our tech, it’s not just in our own dark compound but instead at a social event where we share our experience and hopefully, the brand of product that we use. This social experience, if captured properly, can turn into a great advertising method for Sony, something that no commercial can replicate: a referral or recommendation from a friend.

In the end, for the techies, those looking to escape the sun, and anybody lucky enough to check out a Bloggie Touch to share their experience with online, courtesy of Sony, the experience provided by the electronic giant was a pleasant one. With a helpful staff on hand and both lofts and plenty of products on display to play with, Sony provided a rich experience to the attending crowd while displayed their products in a none intrusive and modern way.

After the jump, you will find videos and pictures from our time spent at Coachella. All videos and pictures were taken on the Sony Bloggie Touch.

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Sony Drops Price of PS3 + Move Bundle to $349. Saves You $77 (expired)

If you’ve been eyeing yourself a PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Move, the following will be welcome news to you. Sony has dropped $50 off of the PS3 + Move bundle to bring it to $349. The bundle gets you the following:

  • 320GB PS3 system
  • Dualshock 3 wireless controller
  • PlayStation Move motion controller
  • PlayStation Eye camera
  • Sports Champions game
Have to say, this is not a bad deal at all. Especially if you consider that the PS3 is ($299), Move Motion controller ($49), PlayStation Eye ($39) and Sports Champion ($39) which totals $426.

[Via Sony]

PlayStation Move Goes Linux Multi Gestured, Controls Facebook and More

Though we failed to report on it, in early March, Sony announced a new initiative called which is an server application that promises to let researchers, hobbyists and others use the Move as a controller for a PC. Currently in closed beta and set to be released into the wild by Summer, hopes to capture the enthusiast crowd’s imagination by giving them access to PlayStation Move’s source code with little guidance. Instead Sony and PlayStation want users to hack away at the motion based controller till their hearts desire. Now Jacob Pennock is one of the first to report back in with his findings. Using the PlayStation Move, he is able to navigate around in his desktop, navigate through Facebook and create gesture based shortcuts to launch movies, Pandora and more. What’s more impressive is that Jacob only received access to the currently closed SDK last Thursday. It should be noted that Jacob will share is findings with the rest of the closed beta community of till the program goes out of private beta, in which case he and the rest of the community will be able to publish their codes for the web, and anybody wishing to give it a go will be able to have access to the SDK  from Sony.

“We want to see what innovative applications programmers can create using the PS Move controller, the PS3™ system, the PlayStation®Eye camera, and a PC,” Sony said in its Move.Me site.

For all those interested, some of the key areas that Sony would like you to focus on is:

  • Games and tools that support kids’ physical fitness and nutrition
  • Kid-friendly programming interfaces for computer/technology classes or individual learning
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Sports physiology or fitness training
  • Music and the creative arts

Hit the jump for one more video.

[Via JacobPennock]

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PlayStation Move Continues to be Sold Out at GameStop

It’s been almost 8 months since the PlayStation Move was introduced to the market and it’s been almost 8 months of sold out inventory. Designed to cater to both the casual and hardcore gamer with titles like Resident Evil 5, Killzone 3 and the upcoming SOCOM 4, the PlayStation Move was an effort on Sony’s part to extend the reach of the PlayStation 3 platform while giving gamers one more way to interact with their content. Having experiencing the sellout first hand as it took my own family over a month to get me two PlayStation Move Controller and Navigation Sticks for Christmas and after 3 weeks of waiting for my PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter, I’m still empty handed, I believe it when GameStop announced today that they are having a hard time keeping these units on the shelves.

“We have struggled to stay in stock on the Sony Move controllers; there’s a tremendous amount of demand for that,” said GameStop’s Tony Bartel. “Provided we can get more into stock, we should see some strong growth there as well.”

[Via IndustryGamers]

Sony Would Like Developers to Consider PlayStation Move and 3D Support

Sony has been on the forefront of cutting edge with the PlayStation 3, creating a device that, unlike previous PlayStation units and other consoles on the market, can be expanded upon and offer new features that even those who bought the PlayStation during its launch can enjoy. Over the last 9 months, the PlayStation 3 has been updated via software to allow for 3D games and movies. Shortly after that, Sony also released the PlayStation Move, which continues to be the most advanced and precise motion sensor gaming attachment on the market. In order to show consumers and other developers the capability of these new technologies, Sony has taken it upon itself to offer these advacements in some of the hottest games of 2010 and 2011. Titles such as Gran Turismo 5, LittleBigPlanet 2, Killzone 3, MotorStorm Apocalypse and the upcoming Uncharted 3, Socom 4 and Infamous 2, will all support native 3D. Current titles on the market such as LittleBigPlanet 2, Killzone 3 and again the upcoming Socom 4 and soon to be released Move Heroes game, featuring some of PlayStation most well known characters, like Jak & Dexter, Ratchet and Clank, and Sly, will support PlayStation Move on top of native 3D.

Now, Sony wants developers outside of the Sony family to leverage these PlayStation 3 features and incorporate them into their games to offer a more unique and rich environment for the players.

“Whenever we come out with new technology, whether it’s Move or 3D, there is always the request that goes out to the [development] teams that says, ‘Hey it would be great if you could implement it.’ We know that adds to the layer of not only the marketing message we have access to but it also adds to the availability of different Sony channels that we can broadcast our message out to,”

Sony has gone on record and states that in no way or shape is it requiring developers to offer these. Instead, it wants them to look at games like Killzone 3 which has been said to be one of the best looking games ever created on the PlayStation 3 which also offers the most native and natural Move experience while still implementing 3D. The point here is that developers can add these features to their game without worrying about tapping out the PlayStation 3 or the need to sacrifice quality.

Hit the jump for a full list of PlayStation Move and 3D-supported games.

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Quad Charger for PS3 Move Review (Video)

A little under two months ago, I did a video review, though in hindsight should have been called overview of the Quad Charger for the PS3 Move. Back then, I was still getting pieces together for my PlayStation Move setup and did not actually own the PlayStation move itself. Fast forward to today, thanks to a wonderful girlfriend and mother, I now own two PlayStation Move Controllers and 2 PlayStation Move Navigation controllers. This presented itself as the perfect time to revisit the old video and do a full review of the product. For those looking to buy one, Amazon has a fantastic price on them.

[Buy Now]

Our Playstation Move Shooting Attachment Unboxing Video

Not much to say here except enjoy our short little video to get a feel for the Playstation Move Shooting Attachment, as well as what’s all inside of the box.

Our Playstation Move Shooting Attachment is Here!

Look what came around to us. Actually a few days ago, but I’m finally getting to write this. Funny thing, I don’t own a Playstation Move yet but gotta start somewhere right? I think next, I’ll be ordering the charging station dock. And no, I’m not crazy. I told myself I would not buy new games till I beat my current back catalogue and if I bought the Move, I would then buy games for it too. So currently, I’m just building up what I need to get the full experience for once I buy the Move.

Editorial: Playstation Move to be Profitable from Launch

The Playstation 3 has been a milestone in gaming and home theater. Helping drive Blu-ray and now giving users the option of 3D movies and games, the PS3 is the most powerful game console to date. However, with all of this might behind it, the PS3 needed to compete with everyday gaming systems that didn’t offer HD or came with only DVD players and this meant pricing it at a level that would sell. What Sony considered a low launch price, one of $600, was still higher then what gamers wanted to pay Therefore, with each console sold, Sony was losing hundreds of dollars. Finally, 4 years into the cycle and now with a starting price of $299, depending on who you talk with, Sony is either breaking even or make a few dollars on each console. During the years, as Sony tried to balance its supply and demand and lower its production costs on the PS3, the company’s gaming division would go deeper into the red, losing billions of dollars. With each quarterly loss and movement further into the red, this made it harder for Sony to put money into advertising and other areas that would need funding in order to sell more PS3s and help the company lessen its gap with Microsoft and Sony. Thus, the catch 22 had started.

Finally, 4 years into the cycle, Sony is looking at the PS3 and Playstation Move to make a profit from. When the Sony Worldwide Studios boss, Shuhei Yoshida, went on record about the Playstation Move, he said “We are pricing Move as if we are launching a new platform.” He went on, “So because the install base of Move will help third party studios create games for it, we benefit by helping those third-parties. But we are not losing money with each one we sell.

This shift in Sony’s capability to launch the Move and make money on it will hopefully be the halo effect that the company needs. With each PS3 and Move unit now sold, Sony can bring in a higher profit level to their game division, thus allowing them to invest more into future R&D and current system features like the recently added native Hulu app for the Playstation 3. But the positives are not only for Sony; they are for the consumer as well. The more Sony can invest in their product and give users more compelling content and bring them under the Playstation umbrella, the more units they can sell. With a higher sales volume, Sony can make a shift in their supply and demand strategy and offer the Playstation 3 at a lower price, thus bringing in even more users in. That is a cycle that Sony is looking to Move towards. I love puns…

[Via Develop-Online]

Editorial: Xbox Kinect Setup = Won’t Work For You

Microsoft, you have got to be kidding me. When Sony set out to make the Playstation Move, their goal was simple. Give the users the most flexibility when it comes to space and light, while keeping the same level of quality and precision so that everybody’s experience would be the same. The Playstation Move has certainly shown that and the telltale sign has been during all the events like E3 and PAX where anybody could just get in front of the PS3, grab a controller and begin a game. Kinect users unfortunately won’t be able to achieve this same level of ease and it seems more and more that Kinect just will not work for the majority of people. Again, this can be seen during events like E3 and PAX where Microsoft has to keep the Kinect in a bubble, so the demo can go right.


In order for the Kinect to not mess up during press previews, MS has to bring its bubble with them.


Now Microsoft has posted a video for the requirements of Kinect and it can cannot be more ridiculous. While everything they talk about would be great if you also owned one of the above pods that Microsoft carries around, it’s becoming more and more apparent that for a technology that costs more then the Playstation Move setup ($150), it’s not ready at all for prime time. Here are some highlights,

  • You will need at minimum need to be 6ft from the Kinect if it sits on top of your TV and 8ft if it sits in front of your TV and have another 3-4ft of space in width. Other games can require more. Again, remember that these are the minimum.
  • Your light setting cannot be too low or too high or a mix. It has to be just right. The Playstation Move? Can work practically in the sun.
  • Kinect has to sit in middle of your TV. Top or bottom. Cannot be at an angle while with the Move, just have the Playstation Eye pointed at you.
  • You need to have a clean floor. I kid you not, if there are items on the floor, like clothes, it will throw off the Kinect. No coffee table either.
  • For mic controller and setups, there cannot be any noise of sorts. Ironically, MS does not want you to set your Kinect near your 360…because, you know, of the noise.
  • Other limitations we have pointed out is that there cannot be movement from other people in the background when playing, including your pets or Kinect can accidentally track them, throwing things off.

So here are scenarios where the Kinect won’t work:

  • Messy room
  • Small room
  • Low/High/Mixture lighting
  • More than 2 people in front of it
  • Placing Kinect at an angle
  • Not having room in front or on top of your TV
  • Less than 6-8ft of room
  • Coffee table (unless moved out of the room, again there cannot be items between you and the Kinect or on the floor)
  • Wandering pets
  • Noise, including your 360 near the Kinect (for times when trying to use Voice Commands)

Watch the official video from Microsoft and ponder why they are even releasing a half-baked product.

Playstation Move Teardown

As we conclude our week of Playstation Move coverage, we bring you one last piece. What actually makes the Playstation Move…move? The guys at iFixit took the Move apart and found some rather interesting things. Like many of today’s smartphones, the Move includes a processor, accelerometer, gyroscope, Bluetooth transmitter, vibrating motor, and even a MEMS compass. Another piece that really stands out is the LED light that sits inside the sphere end of the Move, which allows the controller to turn any color of the spectrum, thus letting developers get as creative as they wish with the colors. This is not just a visual feedback for the sake of things, but something that plays into games. For example, during games like Socom 4 and Killzone 3, if your health starts to deplete, your Move controller will begin to flash red and in the upcoming Move game, Sorcery, when you open your green potion, your Move will also turn green. Jump to minute 1:45 to see this awesome interaction or just watch the whole demo.

Hit the jump for some highlights from the iFixit tear down or feel free to follow to jump over and read the article in its entirety.

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Playstation Move Kills Mii from the Wii

This is one of those ads that of course Sony won’t cough up to but it’s part of their viral campaign to promote the Playstation Move. It’s kind of epic.

Watch Your Backs, Puppies!

I’ve been thinking of replacing my girlfriend’s puppy for some time now since he doesn’t do much except sit around. I think I have the perfect weapon now. Thanks, KB.

Move Week continues here at SRN.

Playstation Move Ranks High in Sales on

On, Sony’s Playstation move bundle and controller ranked in the top three in sales this week.   The Move ranked in at #2 in Amazon’s video games division on Friday.  The Playstation move had an increase of 225 percent to push the product up to #3 in sales on the site on Friday as well.

This is very exciting news and we hope many will enjoy this new, exciting gaming experience that only The Move can give you.  We will keep you posted for more Playstation Move sale numbers.  Have you bought yours yet?

Playstation Move Review HQ

We tried and tried and tried again to get you guys some kind of Playstation Move giveaway and get a unit to review as well but Sony didn’t play ball with us so we are doing the next best thing that we can. For the next week, you’re going to see plenty of Playstation Move content on the website. From reviews done by other websites, to current games, up coming games and any video content that has to do with the Playstation Move.

What is the Playstation Move:

The Playstation Move is an addition to the Playstation 3 that is designed to cater to both the casual and the hardcore user. Giving users the capability to play motion gaming, the Move offers users a 1:1 gaming accuracy that is capable of tracking you both up and down, but in and out, aka into 3D space or the Z axis. Speaking of 3D, the Move can also do 3D games.

So lets break it down. The Playstation Move is a 3 part setup, but can be configured in many different ways. First, to make any of the magic happen, you need the Playstation Eye. That’s the device that is actually tracking all of your movements. From there, you have the Playstation Move Controller and the Playstation Move Navigator. All games will require atleast 2 sets. So you can either have 2 Move Controllers or a Controller/Navigator combo. From there, the correct combo just depends on how much you want out of the experience. For example, a game like Socom 4 works with the Move Controller to do your aiming and looking around while in the other hand, the Navigator acts as your controller to control your movement.

But a game like like Gladiator in the Sport Champions pack, although works well enough with the Controller/Navigator combo, really begins to shine when you have to Controllers instead. This way, one hand can act as a shield and the other as a sword. But the key thing to remember is that for any game, you will only need a Controller/Navigator combo. Anything additional you buy is up to your budget and not required. Also, there is no Navigator/Navigator combo as far as we can tell. For all the shooter fans out there as well, there is another piece you can choose to buy; the Move Shooting which basically opens up and allows you to insert the Move Controller inside of it for a better shooting game experience.

Technical Details and Competition Differences:

As we touched up on before, what’s different about the Playstation Move versus the Nintendo Wii and the up coming Xbox Kinect is accuracy and that can mean all the thing when you are playing a hardcore game, more on that in a bit. The Playstation Move has the capability to track you in real time with pin point accuracy and track in a 3D space. That means that the Playstation Eye is not just tracking your movements on a X,Y axis (up, down, left, right) but in the Z axis as well. This means it can tell if you get closer to the system, or step back, or duck and bob and weave. This accuracy allows you to not only be directly in the game environment, but for you to also have access to a wide variety of movement and actions no possible on the Nintendo Wii, not to mention the HD graphics and surround sound capabilities of the Playstation 3.

When compared to the Xbox Kinect that will be coming out near Xmas, the technology there simply does not work. Here is what I mean. The Kinect works on the technology that a camera tracks your movements, thus no controller is needed. That’s fantastic when you first think about it until you actually run into the limitations of the system. First, the system has juice to only track two people at a time versus the Moves 4 player configuration, but more importantly, it’s how it tracks you. If you are playing a gaming, because the Kinect tracks people, if your friend or parents walk by, the camera can begun to track them instead and there goes your game. Furthermore, there is no sitting down as well. You have to be standing the entire time. Because the Playstaiton Move is being tracked by the Playstation Eye, it actually does no matter if you are sitting down and or how many people are in the room with you.

In order for the Kinect to not mess up during press previews, MS has to bring its bubble with them.

Speaking of technology, the Playstation Move has two other note worthy techs. The cutting edge technology is 3D. I’m not just talking about your movements being tracked in 3D, but the fact that the Playstation Move works with 3D games. Games like LittleBigPlanet 2 and Killzone 3 which are being made in 3D are also 100% Move compatible. That gives you the capability to be tracked in real time 3D, while actually playing a 3D game. Short of jacking in yourself a la Matrix, you cannot get more in depth. The other not so high tech yet equally important is button. I mean think about it, you don’t want to always wave your hand across to scroll through the XMB or to select options. Even more to the point, when playing a game like Socom 4 or MAG, you want to have button to access to your squad chat, grenade toggle and weapon options. Games would get extremely tiring if you had to wave your hand for all of these actions and if you do them wrong, you just might have cost yourself a win. In a game like MAG (100% move compatible), you cannot afford to accidentally not call the Airstrike or not plant the bomb. To iterate the power of the Playstation Network, Playstation 3 and Playstation Move, keep in mind that MAG is a 256 player game, with no online fees and can be fully played with the Playstation Move.


There are plenty of sites that are currently covering current release of games for the Playstation Move, but those are frankly the launch titles and some of the more casual games. What I want to focus on is the more hardcore games the Move will support. I have to first digress for a minute in order for you to see the bigger picture. Up until the Move game out, I havent been a fan of motion gaming at all. Family games are cute and fun but thats not why I bought my PS3, 60″ Sony and my Denon receive and surround sound. I want to play impressive and immersive games. I have a feeling and know plenty of gamers who share my experience. This isnt to poo poo family games or the Nintendo Wii crowd. I’m happy to see the gaming community grow and pull in new users but those family games are not for me. The Playstation Move changed all of this.  The following are some up coming Move titles and these are not partial support, but 100% compatible titles that can be played by the DualShock 3 or a Move combo.

  • Killzone 3
  • Socom 4
  • MAG
  • LittleBigPlanet 2
  • Resident Evil 5
  • Heavy Rain

MAG Move Gameplay:

Socom 4 Move Gameplay:

With games like that, the accuracy of the Move and the power of the PS3, I don’t have to sacrifice the types of games I like or give up on quality of visuals or accuracy of gameplay. Instead I can play the types of games I enjoy, yet try a completely new experience.


As I noted earlier, unfortunately Sony would not give us a demo unit in order for me to give you a much more indepth review of the setup and games but the following are some reviews to go by.

The biggest takeaway from our time with Move is its incredible accuracy. Augmented reality instruments move perfectly with the controller, Frisbees fly with the gentle curve you give them and you can select things with superb precision.

The technical brilliance of the Move controllers themselves is the standout feature of this gaming system. The wand-style remotes are very easy to use, and offer a level of accuracy and precision that you won’t find on the Wii, or on Microsoft’s rival system, Kinect.

At the end of the day, the PlayStation Move has the potential to be the best motion control system on the current crop of consoles.

It’s shaping up to be one of the most interesting eras in the history o console gaming, and make no mistake, Sony’s got all the right ingredients here.

Where to buy:

The Playstation Move should be available today at Best Buy and Gamestop stores, as well as other retailers like Walmart. If you prefer to buy online and not worry about paying tax on it, Amazon is another destination as well. Plus, if you guys purchase them from our links, it helps out the site!

Move Controller:
PlayStation Move Controller

Move Navigation:
PlayStation Move Navigation

Move Shooter:
PlayStation Move Shooting Attachment

Move Bundle:
Playstation Move Starter Bundle

PS3 Move Bundle:
PlayStation 3

Move Charger:
PlayStation Move Charging Station

Playstation Move Game, The Fight: Lights Out Trailer Shows Why The Move is Different and More Immersive

Besides having some celebrity power behind it and getting the grit and hopefully attention of the male audience, Playstations trailer of The Fight: Lights Out shows another thing, the diversity of the Move. You can see those who are playing the game can take lots of different moves and use them in the game. Not just waving their arms around like the Nintendo Wii. You actually have full X,Y and Z axes, aka depth and those will make a big difference to what your character does, but more importantly how immersed you are in the experience. This will also showcase the different level of players out there and how much of the controller and moves they have mastered. Think of it like a Tekken game. There are those who just button smash and on the Nintendo Wii, everybody just button smashes because the hardware cannot tell the difference and track all the different movements. On the Playstation Move, because of the accuracy, there might be those who only learn uppercuts and jabs, while others who really learn the game in and out and can execute different combos. Now apply this same thought process to other Move games and you can see what sets the Playstation Move apart from the Nintendo Wii.

Playstation Move Men Want to Party

What do you guys think? I’d hit it, I mean party with them if they dropped by.

Sony Launches New Playstation Move Site, Has Fun With Microsoft

Sony has just launched a new site to promote the Playstation Move before its September 17th release. Designed to contain both facts and be cheeky at the same time, I feel like the site gives out a lot of information for those who want it. For example, not sure how to tell your mom or girlfriend that you want the Playstation Move? Use the ‘Sensitive Fireman’ tool and in no time, the website will give you a personal video that you can play to your loved one to help convince them that you need a Playstation Move.

If that’s not enough, you can look at the Playstation Move Vs. Stuff. This is a simple chart that helps you break down the what the Microsoft Kinnect and Nintendo Wii offer versus the Playstation Move. Of course, KB will be there with you throughout the whole experience as well.

I have to say that I’m really enjoying what Sony has been doing with the Playstation Move. They face big competition with the unlimited money and resources Microsoft has so they have taken a different road. They are educating the public but also having fun with the brand and making it an enjoyable experience for all, not a new product that needs to be shoved down everyones throat.

[Via Yaybuttons]

Kevin Butlers Epic Playstation Move-Tage

There really isn’t much to say here except to feast your eyes on the Butler and his Epicness.

An In Depth Look at the Playstation Move

Although I’ve been dying for a chance to test out the Playstation Move, I have yet to be given a chance to play with this new add on. For those who also know me, the idea of me hating the Wii is nothing new. I thought the concept and the simplicity of the unit was beyond childish, for me. I say this because I completely also understand the reasons behind the success of the Wii and applaud Nintendo on that. This respect comes from the fact that I’m a Business and Marketing major and also as a gamer, it’s always great to see companies grow and pull in a new demograph into our circle and show them that gaming is not just about fragging people. The reason I mention all of this is to let you know that I was not one who was going to be easily impressed by the Move. I never liked the idea of rolling around on the floor and jumping up and down to play a game. Once I saw the depth and power of the Move, as well as what Kevin Butler will call “buttons”,  however, I began to get excited for the Move. Plus, Sony has backed up the fact that they stand for real gaming by supporting titles such as LittleBigPlanet 2, Killzone 3 and Socom 4. For those who would like to see further into the power of the Playstation Move, the folks at CVG got to spend some time with Dr. Richard Marks, the head of the Playstation Move. This video will really again show the depth, power and precision of the Move.

[Via CVG]

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