Why I Love the Sony NEX-5 Commercial

I haven’t been shy on my feelings for Sony and their handling of their advertisements. Although they have done a lot to improve that over the last year, I believe the company still has a long way to go. However, this new ad for the NEX-5 gives me much renewed hope and excitement for what Sony’s advertising can achieve and how it can resonate with the viewers. The idea of the ad is so simple and yet it achieves everything it should. It not only shows off the product for almost the entire time, instead of having people talk vaguely about how Sony products are great, it also shows off the features that differentiate it from the other companies while not being a powerpoint presentation.

I cannot stress enough that Sony has some fantastic and unique products but it does them nothing if the average consumer has no idea they exist. With an ad like this, not only is the product shown, but there is also a reason why you would want it. Also, as we have seen in the States, Sony has plenty of celebrity power. Make the same ad and insert one of the many stars that Sony has, and voila!—people will not forget the product.

Sony creates Single Copper Cable for Cellphones, helps give them more flexibility

Many times when we see patents for a particular product or technology, it’s meant to be something that may or may not happen and can be years down the line. For Sony, this new design is right around the corner. Inside of most handsets, especially the flip and split screens, runs about 22 cables that connect power, control signals, audio, video and other functions of the phone. With this new single wire interface technology, Sony will be replacing all of them with a single cable that is capable of doing speeds of 940Mbps. This means that not only is Sony able to clear the clutter inside of the phone and give their engineers more space for other components or help reduce weight and size, but they will also give the design team a lot more freedom to create. Sony has stated that it plans to “swiftly” use this new creation.

[Via Sony]

Sony Gives NEX-3 and NEX-5 Autofocus for A-mount Lenses Via Firmware Update

NEX owners, it’s time to rejoice with this new firmware update from Sony. Currently,those who used the different lenses that are made for the NEX have the capability to use Autofocus or Manual focus. But those who wanted more flexibility and decided to get an A-mount lens from Sony, noticed that the camera could only do manuel focus. Via this new firmware, all A-mount lenses will now give you the capability to use Manual or Autofocus, giving you access to now 14 different lenses for your NEX.

Those who own an old beast from Sony, the A717 will remember this new feature as well, via the firmware, you camera on screen will give you an extra zoomed in picture in the corner, so you can focus on exactly the point you want to focus upon while zooming in. Other tidbits are a more streamlined UI (user interface) as well as manual focus made a little easier. Checkout the previous firmware upgrade as well.

Hit the jump for a press release from Sony, as well as the link for the firmware download.

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Sony Alpha A55/A33 Having Sensor Overheating Issues?

Various websites are pointing out that the recently-launched Sony A55 and A33 are having sensor overheating issues while recording video. That is to say, if you are recording with Image Stabilization on for a continuous 11 minutes, with temperatures higher than 70F (20C), you will notice the heat from your unit and it will probably shut down on you. This is actually caused by the new translucent mirror technology that Sony is using which has a hard time in high usage. Nikon has the same exact issue, so their solution is to just limit your video shooting to 5 minutes clips. The solution for Sony users? There are a few, actually. First, there is no video recording limit, so feel free to record as long as you feel like it until you actually notice a heat issue, and remember, this is for continuous video recording only. Shooting in few minute bursts is not an issue at all. Second, if you turn off Image Stabilization, your camera can achieve 30 minutes of continuous video recording with no problem.

Sony Updates Vaio F and E laptops and L Touchscreen All-in-one Desktop

Just in time for fall, although probably too late for all those back in school, Sony is updating the Vaio F, E and L series. Starting off with the Vaio F, the 16.4-inch laptop is packing in a new NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M graphics card with 1GB of video RAM and duel USB 3.0 ports, targeting the gamers and pro users out there. Next up, the Vaio E series is again getting the color of “Passion Purple” and gaining accessing to the Intel Ci5-580 and Ci5-460M. For those looking for a viasual push, an upgrade option is available for trading up the default 1366 x 768 displays for 1920 x 1080 full HD which will be free till October 9th and a $50 fee after that. Last, the Vaio L Touchscreen all-in-one desktops is gaining access to an upgradable 2TB hard drive, Blu-ray burner and Intel Core 2 Quad processor and of course is touchscreen.

Hit the jump for shots of the Vaio F and E series.

[Via Sony Blog]

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Sony Looking to Shake Up the eReader Market?

Over the last year, Sony has slowly tickled out new technology prototypes, based around the concept of displaying a high quality image on a flexible screen. So far, we have seen the Sony OLED screen which is has thin as a piece of hair. Now in Japan, during its annual Dealer Convention, Sony has shown another step in this technology. Currently, all eReaders from the Kindle, to the Nook and Sonys own Reader all use a glass or plastic based e-paper. While the quality of them might be great, what isn’t is the flexibility. Thats why we tend to see them all in the same shape and size format. With this new flexible e-paper, Sony could then develop many different versions of eReaders, heck one that you can probably roll and fold up. Of course we have to note that this is still indeed prototype so don’t expect to see an announcement from Sony at this years CES.

[Via Engadget]

Sony Alpha A33 Auto Focus

We recently posted a video showcasing the ability for the A33 to shoot in its burst mode at an insane speed. Now we have the follow-up video, courtesy of Engadget, of the amazing new capability of the A33; Auto Focus. In order to activate this, all you need to do is to place the camera in video mode and the camera takes care of the rest. It does not matter whether you are recording or not as the camera will continue to pull focus as need be, a true first in the DSRL world.

Sony Launches New Playstation Move Site, Has Fun With Microsoft

Sony has just launched a new site to promote the Playstation Move before its September 17th release. Designed to contain both facts and be cheeky at the same time, I feel like the site gives out a lot of information for those who want it. For example, not sure how to tell your mom or girlfriend that you want the Playstation Move? Use the ‘Sensitive Fireman’ tool and in no time, the website will give you a personal video that you can play to your loved one to help convince them that you need a Playstation Move.

If that’s not enough, you can look at the Playstation Move Vs. Stuff. This is a simple chart that helps you break down the what the Microsoft Kinnect and Nintendo Wii offer versus the Playstation Move. Of course, KB will be there with you throughout the whole experience as well.

I have to say that I’m really enjoying what Sony has been doing with the Playstation Move. They face big competition with the unlimited money and resources Microsoft has so they have taken a different road. They are educating the public but also having fun with the brand and making it an enjoyable experience for all, not a new product that needs to be shoved down everyones throat.

[Via Yaybuttons]

Happy 15th Birthday Playstation!

Can you believe that the Playstation has finally turned 15? What really started out for Sony as a crazy ambition has really rocked the technology sector since then, helping with the adaptation of both DVD with PS3 and now Blu-ray and potentially 3D with the PS3. During 1995, when the Playstation was set to arrive, nobody took Sony seriously on it. Back then, the gaming world was dominated by Nintendo and Sega and for a electronics maker to get into the gaming culture only meant certain disaster. Fortunately for both Sony and the gaming market, that’s not how it turned out.

Sony took a different approach with the Playstation. They wanted to give consumers cutting edge technology and a great gaming device. Thus, the Playstation could play back audio CDs and play games that were 3D, not 2D based. For the first time, characters had depth and the music could have actual scores and games could have true cinematic scenes with the extra space that you were able to get on a CD versus the then standard cartridge.

I remember this commercial like it was yesterday. For those of us who grew up then, you knew that when you say the commercial for Final Fantasy 7 and then actually go to play it, the visuals were jaw dropping. The starting train sequence alone could convince anybody to pick up the system and play one of the greatest games of all time. The Playstation also lent itself to some fantastic tricks.

After you loaded up Ridge Racer you could remove the disc and put in your own audio CD to race along to your own music. If you swapped out discs while using a pencil eraser to fool the system into thinking it wasn’t open, you could play imported games. Audio CDs could be played with an interesting visual program running in the background.

I know my own personal story with the Playstation because it’s really what helped this site form. At the time, I was only 10 years old and I had always heard of the Nintendo 64. Now we have to remember that times werent like now where you could go online and look at videos and reviews. You heard about the N64 and you would have to go to Sears to maybe find one in the gaming section to play with. I knew the N64 is what I wanted but my dad begged to differ. He kept telling me that he would do some research and see what else is out there and I of course, kept getting more pissed. One day, in 1995, my dad walks home and what does he have with him? A Playstation One. Since then, I’ve been pulled into the Sony world and have been a believer of their products. Games like Twisted Metal 1 and 2, Warhawk, Final Fantasy 7-9 and Resident Evil 1-3 on the Playstation really changed me and defined my future. It’s with this view that I look back to the Playstation era and get a big smirk on my face.

Happy birthday Sony and Playstation.

Sony PSPs help trapped Chilean miners pass the time

If you don’t know by now, 33 Chilean miners are trapped 2,300 feet beneath the surface where everything collapsed around them during a mining operation. It took 17 days, but finally on August 22nd, the miners were found to be alive but in poor health. The authorities since then have been in constant communication with them while the rescue attempt is being put into place. It is believed that the operation itself can take up to four months. During this time, the miners are receiving capsules of supplies, which include rehydration tablets and high-energy glucose gel.

Food and health supplies aside though, these men need entertainment as well to keep their minds and thoughts from not getting the best of them. The chosen entertainment device? The Sony Playstation Portable. Although details are scarce whether Sony was a part of this or not, we know that a few PSPs have been lowered down via a tube to the miners to offer them entertainment during this time and give them something to do.

If Sony is reading this, we hope that they take the time and offer those men some more goodies (just remember, it has to fit inside of a tube) so more PSPs, games and battery packs seem to be just what these miners need. I’m sure some FIFA games will especially go over very well down there.

Sony Ericsson Xperia and Bike Have Sex

During the IFA conference last week, in celebration of the launch of the new Xperia X10, Sony had a cool concept bike out. Ever wondered what a bike would look like if Sony Ericsson made one? Well wonder no more! There you have it. You can now finally sleep at night, not having to wonder about the possibility and outcome.

[Pic Via Engadget]

Sony Accidentally Leaves the eReader Market

Although the headline itself may seem a bit misleading, it ultimately isn’t too far from the truth. During this week, Sony has unveiled a new set of eReaders that it will be releasing soon. The entire series (Pocket, Touch and Daily edition) will all be gaining a new Pearl e-ink displays, designed to give much more clarity and less glare then previous models. With this, all units gain a stylus as well to be able to jot notes right on the screen. From there on, the entire series is also gaining 2GB of built in memory (expandable up to 32GB via Memory Stick or SD) and a new responsive touch screen. The only major difference between the screen size of these three units is that the Daily Edition also boasts built in Wi-Fi and 3G.

The PRS-350 Pocket Edition is now $179 and weighs 159 grams, measuring 8.38mm thick, the PRS-650 Touch Edition is $229 with a 224 grams weight and 9.65mm thick body, and the PRS-950 Daily Edition is $299, and weighs 254 grams. So where did Sony go wrong when it was on the right track before? Well the Pocket Edition has gone from the current $149 to $179. The Touch Edition has gone from $170 to $229 and surprisingly, the flagship Daily Edition has stuck to its $299 price point.

When compared to other competitors like the Amazon Kindle and B&N Nook, the Sony Readers are better built with aluminum while staying lighter and thinner, sport longer battery life and are superior specs but that also comes at a price. Sony is betting on two things; that the higher end consumer will support it and that people will compare spec for spec and go for their product vs the others out there. The problem is that the consumer votes with their wallet and time and time again we have seen Sony release better products, but at a higher end price than their competition and the likes of Samsung, Apple and Nintendo eat away at their market share. We need not look further than Apple to see this. Everybody expected such high prices for the iPhone (and yes, the original launch model was) but from then on, they have set the bar for offering some of the most advanced features from prices of $99-$299. They set the bar for the industry at the magical $199 smartphone price. They again did it with the iPad. While everybody was expecting a starting price of $999, they started their units at the $499 and thus caused Amazon and the rest of the eReader makers to adjust their prices. They know how to make a fantastic product, market it and set a price to bring people in.

Sony unfortunately only knows how to make a great product. They seem to be clueless on how to market their product as most people know of the Nook and Kindle but what of the Sony Reader? And pricing that the consumer wants? Look no further than the PSPgo. By setting a higher price when Amazon has just announced their new Kindle at the price of $139 with plenty of commercials on air and Borders is going to be announcing their own $99 eReader, Sony is doing the opposite. Making a higher costly model with no advertisement of their product…I wonder how it’s going to do in sales.

God of War Meet up in Los Angeles

Well I’ve finally made my way down to Los Angeles, or more so, North Hollywood and have landed at the Playstation Event, God of War. Today, Sony is going to be celebrating the up coming launch of the new God of War game for the PSP, as well as interviews and panels with the likes of David Jaffe and others. Keep an eye on this post as I continue to update it though out the day. At the moment, the event is still a few hours away and I’m sitting at the near by Starbucks, listening to gamers chat away. It’s fun.

So the following is my gear for the day:
Sony Cybershot HX5 for pictures.
Flip HD for any interviews that need be done.
iPad 3G so I can actually update this post with and of course, my trusty iPhone 4 which took this picture.

Just for anybody who is planning on coming to the event, there is parking right across the street for free, called retail parking. You can’t hang around the building till around 3 so plenty to do in the meantime with small cafe and Starbucks around.

Here is my pass. Don’t I look pretty?

And now the line waiting has begun. Lots of hilarious “gamer” conversations around.

Just did a fun interview with Playstations own Audry Cleo. She was a blast.

Still waiting to get in, although were at the door. Half seem to be in and the other half outside. Thanks LA for choosing to be hot today!


And we have finally been seated.

Aawww. Bummer. No photos or video allowed during it.

Alright. The event is now done with. Lots of goodies to write about.

Sony’s Working on Glasses Free 3DTVs

Sony announced yesterday that they are currently working on going glasses free with their 3DTV models.  An announcement that is very exciting for 3D loving people that hate the glasses. This puts Sony in competition with Toshiba on who will create the first 3DTV that requires no headgear.  Currently, it doesn’t seem that consumers are adapting to the new 3D technology in their living rooms in high numbers.  I believe a higher cost and expensive glasses ($130-$250 each) could be factors for this.  Many (including myself) don’t enjoy wearing the 3D glasses for long periods of time.  I would love to be able to play Killzone 3 in 3D without glasses and the strain it puts on my eyes.

For Sony or Toshiba to create 3DTVs without glasses, it requires the users head movements to be monitored and through the process based on autosterescopic 3D technology which is costly.  Yoshihisa Ishida, Sony’s SVP said:

“Seeing 3D without glasses is more convenient. . . We must take account of pricing before we think about when to start offering them.”

Pricing and release dates are uncertain but we’ll have to stay tuned to see if a concept can be done and shown at CES next year.

HTC Favors Sony SLCD over Samsung’s AMOLED

HTC has a few things going for it with the wave of Android based handsets it has released. With the Droid Incredible, Nexus One and Desire gaining more and more sales, HTC hasn’t been able to actually provide them to the retailers because they simply cannot keep up with demand. As we noted, the popularity of Android is one but the other big contributor is that they currently use Samsung’s AMOLED for the screen and Samsung has not been able to ramp up their production to meet the demand. Of course HTC has a simple choice, wait around on Samsung or switch to a different company and make more money.

Breaking News: HTC switches over to Sony’s Super LCD display (SLCD) technology. HTC said that it will begin using SLCDs in a “variety” of its devices, and points out that the HTC Desire and Nexus One are on the list. Beyond being able to meet the demand that HTC seeks, Sony’s SLCD also offers a wide viewing angle, clear contrast and “natural balanced color.” The displays that HTC will use include Sony’s new VSPEC III technology. This is really good news for the consumer because not only will they get the product they want, but will also now get a superior screen (of course Samsung were sure will disagree).

Sony Gives Japan Slimmest Blu-ray Player Yet

Man, what is it with Sony and Japan getting things first? I really don’t understand the equation. In early September, Sony will be introducing the BDP-S370, a new Blu-ray player that measures only 36mm high and will be a whopping 50% faster then the previous model. Besides the usual suspects like 7.1 surround sound support and DVD upscaling, the BDP-S370 also supports MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4-AVC, VC1, WMV, AVCHD and LPCM, MP3, AAC, WMA either stored on a DVD/CD or on a USB key for video playback to make sure you have plenty of content to consume. Sony will also be introducing an iPhone and Android remote app so you don’t have to reach as far as the table to change a setting. Look for a price tag of 25,000 yen ($290) when this unit hits. If this is also any indication of how Sony operates, expect this unit in the States hopefully by late winter or early spring for probably half the price.

Sony to add Android to its eReader and finally pose threat to Kindle?

Last week, on a job listing website, Sony had run a particular help wanted ad that has since been pulled, stating that they were looking for a “Senior Staff Software Engineer (Android)”. The description went on to say that they would be “developing application software for digital reading and other consumer electronic devices”. This for Sony automatically points towards their eReader product. Some sites have speculated that this would even trickle down to Sony’s Xperia lineup of phones that are of course running on Android.

If Sony were to move in such a direction, this could really position them well to fight of the Nook and the Kindle. Although both the Nook and Kindle are fairly good at what they were designed to do–be book readers–both lack sophistication beyond that point and both companies continue to want to push their device to do more. Part of this is the iPad effect. That device can not only do what the best eReaders can do, but also do another 101 things. Even with the basic eReader war, Sony has fallen behind to the Kindle and maybe eventually the Nook as well (although Sony does have a much bigger headstart than they do). If we do focus on the Kindle, Amazon has done a few steps that have helped them stay ahead of the game. First, they have been very aggressive with their price points, even introducing a new $139 Kindle while Sony has finally dropped the price of their older unit to $149. From there, the Kindle has embedded its software everywhere. There is the Kindle App for your Mac, PC, iOS and Android devices. This gives Amazon a large amount of leverage and presence of their device. Plus, it gives the user the peace of mind that their content which is most important will be accessible to them no matter what device they use.

This is where Sony and Android can step in. Although there are plenty of Kindles out there, one key advantage that Sony has under its belt is that Sony is traditionally a hardware company. They know how to make beautiful devices that are thin, powerful and efficient. Amazon is not a hardware maker. But where Sony tends to lack is software. They have been slow to the software game because of the deep hardware culture of the company. Android can help change that. All Sony needs is a good idea and implementation of the plan and Android can take care of the rest. The core is there; Sony just needs to design it as they see fit. Furthermore, if anybody has used a Kindle or Nook, you know that the software is slow, ugly and clunky. With sleek hardware and a new set of functionality from Android, Sony can really stand out from the Kindle and Nook front and give eReaders a true alternative to the iPads reading capabilities.

By the way, hit the jump for a look at the now pulled job listing.

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Something smarter coming from Sony

So I’ve been digging through Sony’s site lately for a new TV and surround sound option to get for my sister’s upcoming wedding. Currently, I’m considering the Sony EX700 in the 52″ for their TV and the Sony E570 for their surround sound. But as I jumped on the Sony site today to take a look at the inputs of the E570, I was instead greeted to the above image. What could this mystery product be? The Playstation 4? *gasp* If I was a wagering man, I put my money on the Xperia X10 that we have been reporting about. Seems to fit the talked about time table as well.

Sony Launches New SACD Player, The SCD-XE800

For those who are audiophiles, 1999 was a fantastic year. This is when Sony and Phillips decided to launch a new format called Super Audio CD. The promise of these discs was superior audio, having the capability to be in true surround sound (not just the same audio cue coming from all of your speakers). To this date, a little over 6000 SACDs exist but the format never really caught on with the main stream consumers.

Therefore, it comes to me as a surprise that Sony has released a new SACD player, the SCD-XE800. Priced at $430 for an August 21st release in Japan, this unit is meant as an entry-level SACD player. Buyers can expect a frequency response of 2Hz〜40kHz (SACD)/2Hz〜20kHz (CD) and a dynamic range of over 100dB (SACD)/96dB (CD). As always, these units will also read the traditional CD as well. If I was a user of SACD, I’d be happy that Sony is still supporting this format but as a person who is interested in the bottom line of Sony, I’m not sure I like the move. Why would Sony invest the money and resources to create, ship and sell a format that more or less is dead? They can indeed take the same money and invest it in its core areas that Sony really needs to fight off its competitors with. This comes to a larger problem with Sony that it offers so many different products for different segment markets when in reality, it needs less product lines and more sales per product line. No word yet if this unit will make it out of Japan.

[Sales fact via Wikipedia]

Sony Drops eReader Price. Is It Enough?

Hot on the heels of of the Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook, Sony has decided to drop the price of its eReaders to the following:

• Reader Pocket Edition is now $150 (from $170)

• Touch Edition Reader is now $170 (from $200)

• 3G Daily Edition Sony Reader is now $300 (from $350)

Of course, all 3 companies were comfortable with the prices they were offering prior to these last few weeks of price drops until Apple introduced the iPad. It does seem silly to buy a Kindle prior to these price drops for a little over $400 when the iPad is priced at $499 and can do everything the Kindle can do and more, and do them better. Of course, Sony has never positioned the eReader to compete with the iPad but I do wonder if these moves are enough. Currently, when I hear everyday people (and that’s really where the sales matter, not the techy online world) speak about readers, it’s either the Kindle or slowly the Nook. Not once do I hear people mention the eReader. A big part of this is of course presence. Amazon has a huge online store and the Kindle is always on page one, followed by the occasional TV commercial. Barnes and Noble of course was the young gun to challenge the Kindle so that made headlines and they of course have their bookstores to display the Nook.

This again leaves Sony in an awkward place. They were really the first to the eReader market and now seem the most dead in that market. The same thing happened to them with the MP3 market and the cellphone market. It also started to happen to the Playstation brand but Sony has been doing a fantastic job the last 1 1/2 years with bringing the brand back from 3rd place. The way I see it is that Sony needs to do two things. First, advertisement and partnerships. Content is key and Sony’s eReader has a great selection, but that’s pointless if nobody knows your product is out there. With that idea, Sony needs to be aggressive, drop the price of the basic eReader to the magical $99, talk it over with Wal-Mart and Target and make sure there is one at the end of their book or tech isle. This market is only going to heat up as Apple eats away into everybody else’s market share and somebody will get to that magical $99 price tag. Might as well be Sony and with that, they can start to take market shares while they come up with a better competitor to the Kindle and Nook.

Sony Adds 3D Firmware Update To NEX-3 and NEX-5

I wont beat around the bush when I say that I think the NEX series from Sony is the greatest thing to happen to camera’s since they have gone digital. I’ve extensively used the Alpha 300 from Sony and fell in love with the quality of that unit (albeit, the first ones were kind of loud, something that has been addressed since). But the CyberShot is where it all began for me. I’ve had the CyberShot series since they first came out. I remembering shopping with my dad at Best Buy at the time and there were choices of 1, 2 and 3MP Cybershots. We of course decided to go with the 2MP because I didnt want the lower end of the series, but 3 just seemed like overkill. This was around 2000 or 2001. Since then, I’ve mainly stuck with the T series, T1, T3, T99, T500 and sorts, and have crossed to the W series a few times with the W330 and W230 to name a few. But ever since I used the Alpha 300 a good 3 years ago, I knew what I was missing out on. The great battle of DSRL verse Point and Shoot. Sure I want the quality of the DSRL, but I’m the person who takes my camera with me everywhere. Taking a DSRL is just not convenient and I don’t wanna be that guy. Having said that, there are times that I would love to take a DSRL and do a photo shoot (something that I have planned for the site).

With this, Sony has really answered my prayers with the NEX series. Giving me the ability to be compact when I need to be and go full out by attaching additional lenses, this makes the NEX the only camera body I might ever need. Well for those of use who are on board with the 3D ride, Sony is now updating the NEX series to support 3D Sweep Panorama pictures. Sony has stated that the 3D mode is “activated simply by pressing the shutter button and sweeping the camera from one side to the other. The NEX-5 and NEX-3 shoot a high-speed burst of frames that are automatically combined inside the camera to create a seamless panoramic still image containing depth information.”

Other things this firmware update addresses is

  • Improved 2D Sweep Panorama mode
  • Better battery usage when the camera is turned off
  • Faster startup when under low-light conditions.

If you’re ready for the update, go ahead and visit the Sony Cybershot site to download the needed update. If you’re not sure which firmware your camera currently has, hit up “menu,” then “setup,” then “version” on your camera now.

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