Check out Our Entire Set of Sony Photos from CES 2011

During CES we had the wonderful opportunity to float around freely and really lose ourselves in technology heaven. Having been there for the first time both personally and professionally for this site, it was really something that’s hard to describe. Between the sheer amount of new products, old products, lights, music and sounds from different presentations, you would at times need just a few minutes to just refocus on what it is that you were trying to do. In our case, that meant covering Sony and offering you news and information on their current and up coming products. The following are some of the pictures that we captured along the way.


My E3 Experience and Sony Highlights

E3 ended two weeks ago and I am very delayed on writing about my fantastic experience there. Well, through my work (mOcean) I was able to attend E3 on Wednesday for a good half day. Granted that’s not a ton of time, I still got a great look at some upcoming products and games and had an amazing time. Below I’ll talk about some of my Sony Highlights and games from that day.  Entering E3 I was in total awe. My eyes and mouth were wide open and I was on sensory overload. LCD screens, music, characters, displays, lights and colors filled the room.

Of course my first stop was the Sony exhibit. Here at SonyRumors we love writing about 3D. I was very impressed at the 3D gaming and played “Wipeout” and “Motorstorm” in 3D.  The movements in the smooth gameplay are very enhanced; everything just popped.  The only drawback so far is that 3D gaming darkens the image a lot like in most movie theaters.

Next I checked out “Killzone 3” but unfortunately did not get the chance to play with the line being over  an hour wait. That was one thing that bugged me, everyone playing games just hogged the screen forever. When I check out a game I play enough to get a good feel of how it will be but don’t need to sit and beat the entire demo. That was frustrating when I wanted to try out so much. The gameplay I observed was action packed and I can’t image how a FPS would look in 3D.

Continue on for more photos and captions from my amazing day! Continue reading

Sony E3 Conference Highlights

E3 is here!  Today I got the chance to watch a lot of the Sony Press conference at E3 via IGN streaming.  They have and will continue to stream all E3 conferences and videos in HD, I recommend watching it if you don’t have a chance to attend E3.  As far as all of the content that was mentioned, I don’t even know where to begin.  Two full hours of video, Sony talk, previews and changes were mentioned and I’ll go over some of the highlights and big Sony news.

Kaz Hirai was the first speaker talking about 3D gaming and what Playstation is doing for the industry. He said, “What Playstation did for Blu-ray, we’re now going to do it for 3D.” A few 3D games launched today on the PSN like “Pain” and “Wipeout.” A feature game they mentioned was “Killzone 3.” This is a huge title coming out in 3D with a February 2011 release date. I saw about 3 minutes of the footage online, not in 3D of course (sad face) but the game footage was action packed and with the crowd’s great response I’m sure it looks fantastic. Hirai continued to say that Sony is the first in authentic 3D gaming with over 20 games being released in 3D by March 2011. Some of these titles include: “Shaun White Skateboarding,” “Mortal Kombat,” “Motorstorm: Apocolyse,” “Gran Turismo 5,” “Sly Cooper,” “NBA 2K11” and “Ghost Recon.” A clip of “Gran Turismo 5” was also shown in 3D.  Also remember that these games are being created in 3D, no conversion will be done with these amazing titles.  Sony believes that 2010 will be remembered as the year Sony brought 3D to the gaming industry.

Next up was the Playstation Move, which will be released September 19th. Pricing was revealed for the move at $49.99 with the Navigation Controller being an extra $29.99.  You can purchase a bundle which will include “Sports Champions” and the controllers for $99.99.  Additional games are set to be priced at $39.99.

Click the jump for the rest of the highlights!

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Sony Launching $70 Premium PSN At E3?

I bought my PS3 on launch date not only because I’m a huge fan of Sony, but because  it includes a Blu-ray player, great exclusive games, and bluetooth controllers. Still, a big selling point for me was also the free Playstation Network.  The PSN is the online hub for downloadable content, games and the ability to play multiplayer online (which I do a lot of).

There has been rumors for a while that Sony will start to charge for online play like Xbox does which is very disappointing. Although nothing is official, this rumor isn’t bad.

Word is on June 15th at E3, Sony will unveil their new premium features for the PSN which will cost approximately $70. The good news is that no one will be forced to upgrade (like we are with firmware) leaving online play and all the current features still free. YES. I’m sure happy about that. Right now it’s unknown what the premium features are but sources have mentioned two. A free PSN game per month and possible music streaming. If rumors are true we will find out officially from Sony  at E3.

I think this is a great move from Sony that will excite players and give them the option of a paid or non-paid PSN. Would you go premium?

Sony Launches E3 Website

E3 expo is something all gamers and electronic fans look forward to every year.  This year the expo is June 15-17th held in Los Angeles, CA.  Today, Sony launched their official E3 website giving us a peek at what to expect from them this year.  Below is the link to the site.

Playstation E3.

This site so far contains 9 tiles that show some of the featured games that will be at E3.  The site starts at the center tile which shows the PS3 Slim, PSP Go, PSP 300 and PS Move (no PS2 is shown, which is good for some but bad news for others).  From there you can navigate through the surrounding panels with your mouse or the PS3 controller buttons on the bottom left of the page.  Most of the new game spotlights are for the PS Move with Move Party, The Shoot and Sports Champions.  Other games included are Grand Turismo 5 (which we all have been waiting too long for), PSP ModNation Racers and PS3 Socom 4.

I like how there’s an arrow tab on each tile that includes more information on what you’re looking at.  Sony made a great, user friendly page for people attending E3 or ones that just want to see and read what will be there.  The site also has a show floor tile with Sony’s booth location and hours.  I miiight go to E3 this year through my company. I’m double crossing my fingers and toes since I’ve wanted to attend for years.  I hope Sony also includes Little Big Planet 2 at E3, with a winter 2010 release that is for sure on my Christmas list.

I’ve included a snapshot of the website’s center tile, click the jump for a shot of all 9.

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