HTC Favors Sony SLCD over Samsung’s AMOLED

HTC has a few things going for it with the wave of Android based handsets it has released. With the Droid Incredible, Nexus One and Desire gaining more and more sales, HTC hasn’t been able to actually provide them to the retailers because they simply cannot keep up with demand. As we noted, the popularity of Android is one but the other big contributor is that they currently use Samsung’s AMOLED for the screen and Samsung has not been able to ramp up their production to meet the demand. Of course HTC has a simple choice, wait around on Samsung or switch to a different company and make more money.

Breaking News: HTC switches over to Sony’s Super LCD display (SLCD) technology. HTC said that it will begin using SLCDs in a “variety” of its devices, and points out that the HTC Desire and Nexus One are on the list. Beyond being able to meet the demand that HTC seeks, Sony’s SLCD also offers a wide viewing angle, clear contrast and “natural balanced color.” The displays that HTC will use include Sony’s new VSPEC III technology. This is really good news for the consumer because not only will they get the product they want, but will also now get a superior screen (of course Samsung were sure will disagree).

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