Android 2.1 Coming To The Sony Ericsson X10 Family

Remember those sexy Sony Ericsson X10 units and it’s little sister, the X10 mini? Well they currently are using the lackluster Android 1.6 but all of this is set to change in Q4 of this year when Sony Ericsson will release Android 2.1 for the entire X10 family. Keep in mind that for Sony, Q4 2010 starts in September.


  1. […] use it’s engineering cash to develop. This would be a much better function on their upcoming Experia series. Why? Well I have my iPhone on me all the time and so it’s convenient for me to use it on […]

  2. […] the best selling handset? The Xperia as you know by now is running Android and will be getting Android 2.1 in the near future. Google CEO, Eric Schmidt reminded him that “Google doesn’t […]

  3. […] dosent get their act together. Put it this way, Sony does make some amazing phones like the Xperia 10 but when was the last time you saw anybody in the states with a Sony phone? The problem is, Sony […]

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