Sony Ericsson Satio To Launch In October


Earlier this year, during the Mobile World Congress, Sony Ericsson showed off a new phone, code named at the time Idou. Well, today comes news that the Idou will be called the Satio and will launch sometime in October. Some key features of this phone include:

  • 640 x 350, 3.5-inch touch screen
  • 12.1 Megapixels (take that Palm Pre and iPhone combined)
  • Dual-Band HSPA
  • Xenon Flash
  • MicroSD expansion with an 8GB in the box (Is Sony looking to get rid of the Memory Stick Micro?)

Look for this unit in  October then in Black, Silver or Bordeaux. No price point yet though. As always, hit the MagicGate for more shots. (reminds me of my Cybershot T-300)

[Via SEMC Blog]


1 Comment

  1. […] to the MicroSD that many cellphones use. This holds true in their upcoming K850 and the newly announced Satio and came to us as odd but we figured, it was due to the development methods and partners with those […]

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